backstrap loom weavers
Larráinzar, Chiapas, Mexico
Just beyond the village of Larráinzar, where the lush, cloud-kissed mountain tops paint a breathtaking backdrop, you'll find a women's cooperative that weaves more than just textiles. They weave bonds, tradition, and a way of life
Perched atop a hill, these women are the guardians of the ancient art of backstrap loom weaving. When we visited in spring of 2023, their children were playing beneath the looms, laughing and creating their own memories as their mothers, grandmothers, and daughters work side by side.
Here, weaving isn't a rigid task but a part of daily life, interwoven with household chores, and the pace is set by the rhythm of life itself. Family and wellbeing always take precedence
These are the talented weavers behind our table runner, napkins and placemats:
Manuela Ruíz, Juana Hernández, Ma. Guadalupe Ruíz, Juana Pérez, Teresa Ruíz, and Alicia Hernández